Resource Profile: Project Learn

Project Learn of Summit County provides educational services to help adults achieve their goals.

Project Learn of Summit County provides literacy and lifelong learning services that help adults achieve their goals as family members, workers, community members and lifelong learners.  We seek to provide the necessary support and assistance so every adult can develop to his or her fullest potential.  The program offers the opportunity for each individual to work toward broader participation in the social, cultural, economic and political fabric of life.

• Provides classes and tutoring for adults to improve their basic literacy skills, including reading, writing, and math.

• Offers preparation courses for adults aiming to obtain their GED or other high school equivalency certificates.

• Conducts English language classes for non-native speakers (ESOL) to help them improve their language skills for better integration into the community and workforce.

• Assists adults in developing the necessary skills and credentials to enter or advance in the workforce through career readiness programs and partnerships with local employers.

• Supports family literacy initiatives that encourage parents and children to learn together, fostering a culture of education at home.

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